It's All About You Libra!

(September 23 – October 22) 

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What the Libra zodiac sign is all about:

Libra is the seventh of the 12 zodiac signs, which begins its cycle in early fall every year during Libra season—which falls around September 23-October 22. Whether or not you have Libra planetary placements in your chart, it’s important to understand the energy of this sign, as various planets travel (or “transit”) through Libra all year long, activating this sign’s earthy energy for everyone, regardless of your Sun sign.

Symbol: The Scales of Justice
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Venus — the planet of beauty and love
Body Part: Lower back, butt
Good Day: Charming, lovable, fair, sincere, sharing, hopelessly romantic
Bad Day: Vain, indecisive, melodramatic, manipulative, spoiled, delusional
Favorite Things: Concerts at large venues, poetry, expensive jewelry, designer clothes, anything luxurious, rich food

What You Hate: Dull or practical people, bullies, injustice being pressured to decide, saying goodnight, hearing the word “maybe”
Secret Wish: To love and be loved in return
How to Spot Them: Small symmetrical features, dimples, gentle eyes, outrageous designer outfits
Where You’ll Find Them: Dancing the night away at a warehouse party, philosophizing about life at a coffeeshop, tucked away at home writing a novel, procrastinating, happily mingling at a social event 
Keywords: Commitment, Partnership, Equality, Balance, Mutuality, Fairness

Dominant Keyword: I BALANCE.
Lucky Day: Friday
Lucky Numbers: 6 and 9
Magical Gems: Opal – Brings financial success
Rose Quartz – Romantic Energy
Special Colors: Blue, Lavender, Rose Gold: The colors of romance, harmony, and refinement.
Flowers: Rose, Cosmos, and Hydrangea
Metal: Copper



All About Libra

Librans are easy to like, for you have a captivating charm, possess elegant taste, and are usually beautiful to look at. In addition, you have the gift of making others feel important, for you are a superb listener and instinctively know how to draw out another person. You’re famous for how effortlessly you smooth ruffled feathers, bring out smiles, and make others think they’re the most wonderful people in the world. You’re a born charmer.

Ruled by Venus, goddess of love and beauty, you admire loveliness in all its forms, in music, art, decoration, and people. Your home will always have a touch of elegance, and you love to entertain in style. Flowers, champagne, lovely jewelry and clothes, beautiful (and expensive) objects, luxurious surroundings—these are the ornaments of life to you. You enjoy all the things that money can buy.

A narcissist at heart, you expect admiration. You wish to be the jewel in the center of any setting, and you have a computer memory for any compliment ever paid to you. You tend to judge others by outward appearances. If someone has a charming facade, you won’t look any deeper. As a result you may become easy prey for a sophisticated schemer with an affable manner.

Libra is the zodiacal sign of Partnerships—in psychological terms the sign is outer-directed. Your energies are focused on melding and combining with other people; you are at your best in personal relationships. Your real energy, however, goes into people. Whether they be partners, lovers, mates, family, friends, business associates, or even guests at your party—relationships are your core. You’re simply not a loner. Instinctively, you try to magnetize and pull others toward you. However, your main interest is on yourself within the relationship. You deal intuitively with other people’s emotions, and no one is better at understanding and taking into consideration another person’s point of view. Yet all too soon that outside viewpoint will be lost or subsumed within your own subtly self-centered concerns.

In the professional world you’re a superb team player. You’re able to meld many disparate egos into one smooth working union. Your friendships and associations bring opportunities, and your best luck comes when you pool your creative talents and intelligence with powerful individuals who open doors for you.

Born under the sign of the Scales, you strive for balance and harmony and are happiest when your environment is ordered and serene. Peace is worth any price to you and usually you will go a long way out of your way to avoid friction and dissension. Because you see clearly every side of an argument, every possibility of a given course, you have the tact and ability to smooth over disputes. You are a born diplomat. In order to avoid an unpleasant scene, you will even stifle your own true feelings. In fact, far too often you are not sure what your true feelings are. Because you try to be all things to all people, there is a general impression that you are indecisive. You appear to be constantly poised on an edge, seemingly unable to move one way or another, balancing pro with con, advantage with disadvantage, risk with gain. Underneath your genial, calm surface, you have to struggle in order to make decisions. 



You get along harmoniously with people who are even-tempered, particularly those who can laugh in the face of difficulties. You are particularly appreciative of talent in any field, whether art, literature, or music, and if you lack talent yourself you often indulge in artistic hobbies. Often people are surprised at the wide range of your interests because you hide your superior intellect under an agreeable, easygoing exterior. Libra is a cardinal sign, which means you’re an initiator. You love new projects, unusual people, different ideas, and you’ll travel anywhere. Gifted with imagination, flair, and enthusiasm, you have an open, independent mind that tries to evaluate the world dispassionately and rationally. You also have a good head for money (though your great weakness is a love of luxury).

Indeed, money has a way of slipping through your fingers because it isn’t money you love, it is the things money can buy. Essentially frivolous, people born under this sign dislike hard work—unless someone else is doing it. A love for beauty leads many natives of this sign to careers in art, decorating, the theater, and composing, but the approach often remains that of a dilettante who enjoys the reward but avoids the effort needed to attain it.

You are an incorrigible idealist and quintessential romantic. Affectionate, warmhearted, sentimental, naturally optimistic, you do everything in your power to please. Your stock-in-trade is charm.



The Inner Libra

You work hard trying to please others and as a result, they find you captivating. However, you have trouble saying no to others’ requests and you take on too many jobs or commitments—and then to prove how nice you are, you keep smiling through the strain while you hide a lot of resentment. It might be more useful to spend time building up your self-esteem rather than looking to others to give it to you. Basically, you give away your power. You hate anything unpleasant and avoid conflict, vulgarity, or strife. If life were a play, you’d always insist on a happy ending. The problem with trying to have constant peace and harmony is that you have trouble making decisions. At times you fear that any move you make will bring something terrible crashing down around you. If you could just lighten up and not be so hard on yourself, you’d be much more satisfied with what you do achieve. You have every ingredient for happiness!



How Others See You

People feel important when they’re with you because you always seem to understand their point of view. You are considered warm and outgoing because you know how to draw people out, and you’re thought of as someone with an unparalleled ability to deal with the public. To some people, you also appear vain and overly concerned with your appearance.



Famous Libra People & Celebrities:

Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bruno Mars, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Simon Cowell, Snoop Dogg, Gwen Stefani, Zac Efron, John Lennon, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mahatma Gandhi, Vladimir Putin, Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Shel Silverstein, T.S. Eliot, ee cummings, Oscar Wilde, Donna Karan, Sergio Rossi, Ralph Lauren

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